kirstycollins1 15th August 2020

I met John when Elly invited me to play at her house, we were 4years old at the time and I was very very shy little girl and did not really like going to other friends homes as their parents weren't like my Mum and Dad, but when my Mum collected me she asked on our way home had I enjoyed myself, I said I had Elaine did not make me eat meat for tea like other mums had ( I am vegetarian) and John is a proper Daddy like my Daddy. This to me at the time ment he was very tall had a facial hair and was silly and played games told silly jokes and daft songs and was kind. As time passed I we grew up my opinion never changed John like my own Dad had all the best qualities a good Dad and fantastic man has. So Thank you John Bird for making me always feel welcome and valued I will miss you but will never forget you. Kirsty Collins xx